Deltek Acumen Options About Deltek Acumen Tab

Use this tab to view the software version number, view copyright and license information, reset your license, and opt-in to anonymous benchmarking.

Field Description
Automatically send usage statistics to Deltek Select this option to allow Deltek to collect information about how you are using Acumen. For example, which features and tabs you are using.
Opt-in to enable the benefits of anonymous benchmarking Select this option to opt-in to anonymous benchmarking and enable Acumen Cloud.
Use online help when available Select this option to enable online help. If online help is not available, Acumen will automatically switch to offline help.
Display License Terms Click this button to display the license terms.
Reset License Click this button to remove the license that you currently have in order to activate Acumen with a new one. One reason you might do this is when you switch from a trial key to a purchased key.